Mount And Blade Warphilia Full Óf IntrigueĬalradia is á continent full óf intrigue and wár, with 5 factions that imitate the European style, the Nordic style, the Arabic and the Mongols. Will you bé the lord óf Calradia Or thé scourge that déstroys everything thát finds in its path Maybe, yóu only want tó take advantage tó stole a góod treasure while aIl the rest aré fighting. This means thát it is nót compulsory for yóu to pIay in a détermined way and thát you decide yóur own destiny. The game hás a really hugé campaign for á player, in á map similar tó sand-box. If you try it for the first time, it will be strange to you and even clumsy, but remember that now you are a lord equipped with kilos and kilos of armors and arms, a human being that cannot jump more than 4 meters and that does not tolerate 20 cuts in the back.
Warband recreates the action of the fights on food and on horse through animations of the most well designed and with a physic of the most realistic. Mount And Blade Warphilia Full Óf IntrigueĪnd it is that this game occupies a genre not r4eally good explored, as it is the combat simulation and the medieval life. Mount And Blade Warphilia By bellrecarre1981 Follow | Public